L:IBERATION (24 April 2010). What is it really?
- Escapism from all the stress in my life?
- Freedom from responsibilities that I can't bear?
- Freedom to do what I want?
- No one to tell me what to do?
- MY choice, my way of life?
BUT!... If we had all that, then we would not need Jesus as "saviour" to set us free. Coz we would already be free, why the need for a God? Why the need for someone to save us from our "sins"? The very fact that we are sinful and weak and in need of a God in our lives, is why we need Liberation.
What is liberation? It is being "SET FREE" to experience TRUE freedom. It is a process of being set free. In fact, our entire life is like a path of liberation from the "World" towards "Eternal Life" with God isn't it?
Catechism of the Catholic Church: ~ Freedom is not the liberty to do anything whatsoever. It is the freedom to do good, and in this alone happiness is to be found. ~
John 8:36 says "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."We need Liberation from:
- The lies of the devil
- Bad habits that destruct us (e.g. various addictions)
- SIN and everything it enslaves us with
- Temptations
- Ways of the world (that usually are not ways of God)
- Our disbelief and doubt
- Hurts and unforgiveness,etc
- Spiritual Blindness
How can we walk in the narrow spiritual path of righteousness if we are blind? And if our friend is just as spiritually blind we both fall into the ditch. There are people like you and me who are following every form of blind lies out there in the world today! So.. if we think are ok, maybe we didn't know that we were in fact lame and deaf or blind!
So let us be freed so that we can rejoice in the Risen Christ, experience His Victory and Joy and the promise of eternal life with Him for all eternity. This means we will be able to live as free people "inside". Our HEARTS will be free to BELIEVE, TRUST, LOVE, and DO GOOD and WORSHIP GOD!
Some song dedications for you to listen!
Finally Free by Nichole Nordeman
Perfect Day by Josh Bates
- Talks about eternal life, joy, focusing on the prize, meeting God...
Finally, watch a....Video: The Light of Darkness
This video shows us that maybe what we thought was our "truth" is not the real "truth" after all. Jesus said, "The Truth will Set us free" (John 8:32) Maybe if we could not believe that before, we should still ask that perhaps, it could also be otherwise, that Jesus is right after all?
Have a good week ahead!
Hey if you read this post.... drop a comment ;)
April 28, 2010 11:23 PM
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