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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Malacca Reflections

Malacca Reflections -- 13 - 14 September 2008

This was one cool weekend at Malacca. All too short, the weekend started early on Saturday. Roy, David, Shane, Vanessa and myself were the 5 members of the OLPS Youth attending this annual pilgrimage that I once attended long ago when I was still in Primary school.

It was a sleepy morning for some of us, having slept for only 1-2 hours the night before. We are busy people. Yes. So this was our much needed break.

Anyway, first new discovery which may not be so new to some -- I found out that Roy’s dad was the one organising the trip, as he is in the tour business. So now I know.

What proceeded was a long bus-ride but a good time to sleep. We alighted for our first stop – Lunch. That was not too great, since I had a stomachache. We then proceeded to Malim Hill to see the Church of Santa Cruz. Since it would be crowded the next day, we came earlier on a Saturday to view the relic of the Holy Cross, for it is because of this relic that there were visions and prayers dedicated on this hill.

Finally, it was shopping – Singaporeans’ favourite activity – at the Mahkota Parade. However, walking around Mahkota Parade was simple, and we weren’t too excited. Roy disappeared with his Mum (more likely, we went off on our own!). In the end, not surprisingly, we got bored after finishing just one round.

So as we were sitting down for a rest and wondering what to do with the rest of the time we had spare, the big idea struck. Vanessa suggested going out to see the buildings around and before we knew it, we had discovered ourselves walking up some steep red steps to the St. Paul’s hill, where the old St. Paul’s Church stood.

And boy, it was a beautiful sight. We were ecstatic, as if we chanced upon some wonderful treasure.

We also discovered one thing in common – our love for photography. Clicking away, it was photos galore. Vanessa was trying to capture the sunset using lens flare, while Sam and Shane clicked away furiously too, trying to get that best angle and that most arty shot.

David of course, whipped out his sketch book and began sketching away, lamenting that he did not bring his graphic pencils and sketch book.

But not only David, “if only we came here earlier!” we thought.

So after the wonderful “hilltop” experience, it was time for dinner and we were treated to a really great Peranakan meal, as Shane says, one of the best dinner he’s had in weeks!

Dinner was then followed by relaxing and chill out at our 5-star Renaissance Hotel. But at the end, we did not want to let the night end just like that. So we took off to walk around the streets, maybe we could visit the Euro Fun Park that we saw along the way. So we walked and caught some more wonderful sights of a mini ferris wheel and blue lights all around. Yes! Another photo galore.

But this wasn’t the actual fun park that we thought we were heading to. It was actually further than walking distance… so not giving up, we managed to get there with cabs. Well the Euro Fun Park was really interesting. Cool rides. We did bumper cars, and then the Ferris wheel that never ended. We figured that it was coz each of us paid 6 ringgit for the ride, and times 5 people, you kinda get a lot out of it. Maybe they wanted to make us really happy by giving us so many rounds. But after more than 6 rounds, we were wondering when are we going to get off! Haha.. it was really funny...

Next, Roy and I wanted some more adrenaline rush and decided on the next ride. But the rest bailed out. It was really good. You feel like flying… and I got really dizzy after that but it was good! It’s the same like getting “high” you get it?

Finally, at around 1am, everything was closing… so we headed back to the hotel for more emo talk and mooncake & a bit of beer (hey we're all old now...haha). It was fun. Sharing, talking about your life kinda thing. And all this happened on just 1 Saturday.

Before I end the story, I must not forget to talk about the ACTUAL day itself right? The mass at the Santa Cruz Church, which was on Sunday. Yup, it was a good sunny day, rather humid as we stood in the outdoors for the mass. We saw Fr. Francis Leong as a co-celebrant and I can’t remember the others there.

But I really liked the message from the Homily. It went something like how Christ chose to die on the cross, so that we can live. It was not a new message but somehow, the truth of the message hit me this time.

This is the Prayer before the Cross:

O Glorious Cross!
We come, as pilgrims, to this holy place
knowing how fragile we can be
in front of the many crosses of our life

Enable us to accept the Cross of LIFE
so that we can move beyond our differences
to discover the joy of bonding and belonging in our family
May the CROSS bind us closer to the One crucified
so that venerating IT & drawing inspiration
from the ONE who hangs on IT,
we may be set free to love and behold
to seek to understand and accept
His Word, His sufferings and His Resurrection

Thus, we shall rise to greater closeness to our loved ones
and to proclaim the power of this victorious Cross that we touch
May you, dear crucified Jesus remain with us
in our daily walk towards the Cross

I realised that it’s not whether I want to choose Christ or not… it’s basically that I have that freedom of choice BECAUSE of His death. Without Christ, without the cross, I will not have that choice, to even be able to choose. But that death on the cross was like a grace for me, for mankind – to be able to choose God, choose life in heaven.

So.. I went away feeling like a bomb hit me. It was nice. Ironically. The kind of feeling you must get in order to choose to turn away from sin and the Old Self and choose God’s ways above all.

The rest of the day was travelling back and mostly sleeping. But I was filled with joy and peace and a simple faith that God is in control.

I thank God for the opportunity to visit Malacca once again… and I think I haven’t got enough of it yet!

Next year again yes?!


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