Happy New Year!
Happy New Year everyone! This post is 10 days late! haaha... all goes to show how fast time flies!
Since the vision day, we have a new calendar up for 2009.... each ministry still planning their events. It looks exciting. We are going to have a commissioning mass for youth ministry this year, plus a new logo design, plus a new Tee-SHIRT!
That would be totally cool.
Also the pictures from the christmas party are up.. it's on facebook... anyone not a member at facebook yet? go look for our group under "OLPS YOUTH"...
What else is happening for youth this year of 2009?
EVENTS coming for This Year:
- We will start our prayer meetings (this is open to all) again!
- Youth Ministry Commissioning Mass
- We want to do a Lenten Vigil this year
- Easter Canteen Decoration & Food Selling project
- Youth Retreat end May 28-31st
- Confirmation 3 Service Attachment to our ministries
- Helping out at all the Confirmation camps, Confirmation Mass, Rite of Sending Forth
- District Youth Day Rally (for all in the East District!) BIG EVENT!
- Selling Christmas Decorations (MOE)
- Christmas Carolling!
So keep watch for the finalised calendar which will be up on the website by end this month!
OLPS Youth Ministry!
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