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Sunday, March 22, 2009

CAYC Workshop "Doing" vs "Being"

About 9 of us from OLPS went down for this workshop yesterday on 21 March 2009. It was an enlightening session with Sister Christina Yeo (FDCC) on how we "Do" and "Be". She talked about how we tend to do things but forget that we actually have an identity that goes deeper than the doing.

In our busy, noise-filled lives, we often do not take enough time to reflect and get in touch or "connect" with that self. We looked at our "personal iceberg", to see that beneath the actions (outer behaviour) lies the inner coping mechanisms, our feelings, and it goes down level by level to our deepest self, our most innate needs of love. To "BE" is then to discover our true identity, our deepest feelings, our deepest need, and work it out from there. Then only can we be fulfilled. If not, our identity will only be formed at our outermost levels of our psychological ice-berg.

Overall, I was enlightened. I always had a question on whether it was wrong to "DO" so much, since many people always tell me that I was a "doer". But today, I learnt that it's not wrong to do, just that I need to find a balance. In the process of doing, do not forget WHO I AM. I am a child of God.

Pictures from the event:

The Mandala - Coloring...
It's quite therapeutic! This activity shows how each of us are unique and how we need to recognise and "BE" that unique person we are. Our doing should come from what we are, so that we "Add" on to ourselves, our growth, rather than do things for the sake of doing, or doing something that is not uniquely you.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

To "BE" is then to discover our true identity, our deepest feelings, our deepest need, and work it out from there. Then only can we be fulfilled. If not, our identity will only be formed at our outermost levels of our psychological ice-berg.

Very interesting and well-written. Wish I was there :)

- Jenny

March 23, 2009 3:28 PM


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