The big reason is the lack of vision or limited vision.
We need to dream beyond what is possible.
Everything we see today was a dream before it became reality.
Live with enthusiasm, direction, and a sense of purpose.
Do you have a dream?
What is your dream?
Every day that you live, are you getting closer to your purpose?
Where the vision is one year, cultivate flowers.
Where the vision is ten years, cultivate trees.
Where the vision is eternity, cultivate people.
So why this post? Because we need it. We need this vision, for our lives, as well as ourselves, our friends and our fellow peers who have gone through catechism with us... yet, have not experienced a life-reforming touch of God. No vision.
2. We need to envision a world WITH Jesus in it. So often, we live without Jesus in our lives - so often till it becomes normal. Even though we go to church on Sunday, it is only 'lip service'. But we need to vision a day, or a time, when people will praise the Lord in Spirit and in Truth.
3. We need a vision - for our lives. Your dreams determine your destiny. To accomplish anything you must first have a mission, a goal, a hope, a vision. - Quote by Rick Warren
Some more quotes:
Without vision, people lose the vitality that makes them feel alive. - Bill Hybels
Vision is a picture of what God will do in His church if we get out of His way and turn Him loose to do so (Dan Southerland)
In other words, where there is vision, we will be fruiftul... we will be living and doing God's Will for our lives, we will be lights, shining on the hill, for others to see.. If we have no vision, we will not be able to fulfill God's will, will not be fruitful as well.
Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. Proverbs 29:18
Reference: [read article]
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