My Story of the Little Ant... I aint' No Saviour, but only God is!
Today, I saw a little flying ant get stuck in a drop of water near the tap of my sink. It's wings were wet and it could not move. I decided to try to save it and give it a 2nd chance to live. I took a piece of tissue and dried all the wet areas around the ant. Then I blew gently, hoping that the wind would help its wings dry faster. It started moving and i could see that it was still struggling to move its wings which were fastened together. But at least it was moving. I was overjoyed that perhaps, it had a new chance to get dry and fly again. I watched it intently after a while, and was content to let it get around on its own.
After doing a few other things, I came back to see it. But alas, was greatly saddened to find that it had sauntered into another pool of water and was waddling around in the water -- once again. This time, it was hardly struggling. Perhaps, it was almost about to die?
I watched it for a little while more, and gave up, decided to let it die because maybe it wasn't meant to survive the puddles of water anyway, or that maybe it would walk into another puddle again later.
Maybe the little ant was praying for a 2nd or 3rd chance to be saved. But I was mean and left it to die. Come on, I can't spend my whole night trying to save a dying ant.
But this little episode taught me about God. We are like that little ant which tries to fly but gets stuck with water in our wings. God helps us out, but we end up in another puddle.
The difference? Is that God is constantly watching us every minute, every second. When that window of opportunity comes, He dives in to help us. And that opportunity for God to intervene, comes when we pray or tell God, please help me and I can't do things on my own. From behind the scenes, He then sends us help and begins his restoring work in our lives. It could take years for changes to occur. And we become impatient when we do not see results.
On the other hand, when we close the opportunity (through disobedience, reluctance to pray, pride, sin, so forth) then He can only watch in horror as we walk into more puddles of water and inevitably cause our own death.
God, despite how tiny we are in this earth, came down to 'die' as a man, so that we would be saved. It is by the Power of the Holy Spirit that God became Man. Thinking of this, I can't help but wonder, how did God become man? Why? Why die for us, stupid death-loving little 'ants'?
If you are interested by now, read more from our Catechism of Catholic Church:
The Son of God Became Man
As for me and the little ant, I was sad to say, that I was no saviour to it. I was quite the devil's advocate. Try to save it and then relish in watching it die. But God - being God - amazes me. He will save us over and over again, despite how many puddles we walk into. God watches us all the time, not to prevent us from freedom, but to ensure that we remain free. He is always looking out for our GOOD - and our happiness.
Why then do we silly little ants, not TRUST in the Lord - our Saviour? He is the only one who would love and die for us unconditionally.
Aren't we all silly little ants?
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