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Monday, May 04, 2009

Altar Server of the Year Award!

Our altar servers recently nominated 2 servers for this award, organised by the Serra Club Singapore. They are none other than Darren & Justin! We are so proud of them! Read what they said:

View full PDF brochure "Serra Altar Server 2009" here

Darren Tan
Age: 16 years old
Years of Service: 7 years
Position in Society: Vice President

“ The Servers have taught me about liturgy and also about God. ”

I joined the Altar Servers back in 2002. I was in Primary 4 back then and just received the Sacrament of Holy Communion. The Servers have taught me about liturgy and also about
God. I learnt how to pray, I learnt that daily prayer is something that is really important. The more I prayed the rosary with the servers, the more I enjoyed it, because it gave me peace of mind. I also started following my seniors to the Adoration Room to pray and it was a very pleasant feeling as now there is hardly any place so quiet that you can just talk to God. After this experience, whenever I am troubled, I will just drop by the Adoration Room and talk to God and this helps me to feel much better. As time progresses, I learnt many different forms of prayer, through different Masses and soon I became leader for this awesome society. I remember my previous leader always saying to pray for guidance especially when you have to make a hard decision. As a new leader, when I need to make such decisions I just pray and sometimes I realize the answer is just there.

Therefore the Servers have taught me that whenever I have a problem, need help in anything or even if I need someone to pour out my feelings to, I know that God is always there. He is like a friend who is next to you and willing to listen to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Rev. Fr. Frederick Quek: Darren has leadership qualities and he has blossomed into a very good Server and friend to his juniors. He can be harsh at times but his sincerity and concern shines out. He is reliable and responsible, obedient, polite and a good organizer. Darren leads by example. He is always available when time permits. Darren’s love of God and neighbour is clearly shown in his service.

Justin Gan
Age: 17 years old
Years of Service: 7 years
Position in Society: Vice President

“ Most dear to me are the moments that I spend alone with God . ”

“To serve and not to be served” -- this is the motto of the Saint Pius X Altar Servers’ Society and this is the motto that I live by. Each week as I serve at Masses and Novenas, I receive the Word of God through the readings, the Gospel and the homilies shared by the priests and religious. These weekly liturgical encounters with Jesus open up for me the Person of Jesus. I have learnt much from His example as a human being – how He acted out what He preached. I have also learnt that talents are given by God are meant to be shared. In the parable of the talents (Matthew 25: 14 – 30), nothing came out for the servant who buried his talents. Like the Altar Servers who have unselfishly given of their time to groom me, I must now train new Altar Servers to serve God and to share my love and friendship with them.

I am expected to be a good example, not only for the Servers but beyond as Jesus has extended Himself to everyone. Others will judge the faith by the way I behave. Most dear to me are the moments that I spend alone with God – the time I spend in prayers, the fears I share with Him
and the comfort He gives me makes me realize I cannot live without His gifts of love and friendship.

Rev. Fr. Frederick Quek: Justin is good natured with a friendly, brotherly leadership style. He cares about others. He listens to what they have to share. He mixes well with young and old. He keeps giving of his best and is always ready to learn. He is also able to take corrections positively and move on. He exudes ‘holiness’ in his integration of church, family, school and friends. In my many conversations with him, this fine young man simply loves God and is guided by Jesus in his actions – untainted despite his knowledge of the wiles of the world.

View full PDF brochure "Serra Altar Server 2009" here


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